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Coaching you to be the best you can be!


Kerry Whitty

Performing Arts Coach

Kerry has been teaching Performing Arts to the community of Erskine for over 20 years. With a BA Hons in Drama and a background in performance Kerry's passion in life is teaching Performing Arts. From teaching in Primary schools, out-reach programmes in underprivileged countries and Prison's, Kerry has a world of experience to offer. Kerry believes Performance is not only a great skill to be gained but can be used as a therapy and every child should have access to the Arts in their community. 

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Star Trooper's

Student volunteer's.

At Young Stars we offer the opportunity for student's to volunteer at classes. This gives them experience in teaching, working with children, leadership skills and working as part of a creative team. These students go above and beyond, giving up their time to come along and help run classes. The stage school could not function without their dedication and enthusiasm. 

I love being a Star Trooper because there is no job more rewarding than watching the girls grow every single week and the way they look up to me truly warms my heart

Hez - Star Trooper for 4years.

Kerry Whitty - 07917416319

©2019 by Young Stars Stage School. 

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